So finally I can share some of my Christmas Orders, I hope you like.
I love this particular quote (and style of canvas). It's a large canvas 50cm x 100cm and used to take me forever to paint as each letter is painted individually, before painting the canvas and then gluing each letter to the canvas. Until I discovered Annie Sloan chalk paints this used to take about 7 coats, whereas now I'm looking at 2-3 with a much nicer finish as well! It also means that time wise, it's a lot quicker and best of all cost wise, it's a lot more reasonable.
Next was another white collection canvas, a completely personalised quote to the customer which I thought was just fantastic.
I really enjoyed doing this, might not be to everyone's taste, but certainly made me chuckle!
Now for the original reason I bought the Annie Sloan paints - which I got from the fabulous The Vintage Corner in Pocklington, York - distressed canvases...
Again a large canvas 12" x 32", perfect for above a headboard! Was really pleased with how this turned out...
Having seen how well this worked I had two letter canvases to do and my lovely customer kindly let me use my artistic discretion and go with the same style.
Thank you to all my lovely customers, without whom this wouldn't be possible and I enjoy so much so long may it continue!
Would love to hear your thoughts and please follow my blog and facebook page to see some exciting projects I will be undertaking at home this year, along with my lovely customer orders.
Here wishing everyone a fab 2014!
Fay x
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