I cut out using old bedding as a template, then pinned and sewed the pillowcase first, followed by the duvet cover.
While I will use button fastening for future sets, I did use sew on velcro this time as I had no suitable buttons available and was too impatient to finish! LOL.
I do like to cut off the corners so you don't get the 'bulk' once they've turned the right way.
A quick iron and I think you'll agree they look lovely! Can't wait to make some more...
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!
Fay x
P.S My blog is and always will be about my crafting, and while I don't want to get personal I do want to make you aware that I am going through some difficult times at the moment personally and at my 'day job' please stick with me as I love to do what I do and I will get through this. I hope that my crafting inspires you as that would make me very, very happy!